
I started this blog in effort to not only document this journey training for a figure competition, but also to share the ups and downs of the ride as well as empower, encourage and inspire. I hope you enjoy my lunatic rantings and can find even a little bit of inspiration in what I am trying to accomplish. Sit back and enjoy the ride!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Heartbreak, frustration and defeat

I am feeling the gamut of emotions tonight.

About 9:00p.m. tonight, I received an email from the promoter of the Las Vegas show I was planning on competing in on October 1st. The show has been cancelled due to low registration. Knife straight to my heart. Frustration to the Nth degree.

I am beyond disappointed, especially when I have been feeling so good about my body and where I am right now with my leanness and muscularity. I didn't feel that way 5 weeks ago when I was supposed to do the other show. I was actually finally getting excited about competing and showing my stuff out on that stage. No more nerves. No more anxiety. Just a serious natural high from knowing that I would soon be hitting that stage and competing with other like-minded women and athletes.

The rational part of my mind knows it isn't the end of the world, but I cannot help but feel defeated. I have been working SO hard for the past 6 months, pushing my body and mind to the limit; practicing such discipline and dedication. Taking myself places within that I never thought I could.

The training for this competition for me has always been about how far I could push myself both mentally and physically as well as emotionally. I have definitely learned a lot about myself and discovered I really am stronger then I thought I was. Add to this the fact that I have been dealing with this horrible crohn's flare for over 2 months making it that much harder.

Double knife to the heart:

 I went to my new GI doctor today and the outcome was not so good. He wants both an endoscopy and colonoscopy ASAP. They are scheduled for next Tuesday and Wednesday. I am not fearful of these procedures, as this will be my 3rd colonoscopy. Rather I am fearful of what he may find and the resulting medications I will most likely be forced to take.

For the entirety of this disease I have been able to stay off of medications. A few dietary adjustments and regular exercise have helped. Granted, my disease has been atypical in that I have been in "remission" for most of it aside from the other 2 "flares" I had (2003,2007).  Most people deal with symptoms every day and never have periods of remission.

The one drug that I have been adamant about NOT taking is prednisone. My doctor told me that I will need to start that ASAP. I cried right there in his office. Besides not wanting to put a steroid into my body, I am very fearful and concerned with its side effects. He says I will only have to take it for as long as it takes, meaning it depends on how quickly or slowly my body responds to the drug.

I am feeling so defeated in so many ways. First I get the blow that I need these procedures and will need to take a steroid. Then I get the next jab that the show is cancelled. The ONE thing I have been looking forward to and focusing on for months on end, especially the last few weeks.

I know there are people dealing with much more worse things, but this just brings me so much sadness and grief. It's like training for a marathon for months and then being told you can't run. Or planning an awesome vacation that has to be cancelled. Let down. Defeated. Helpless.

I know I said I would not let this disease defeat me, but I feel helpless at this very moment in time. I know that I will eventually get through this ( I always do) but I need some time to grieve.

I will be forever grateful for all the amazing support my friends and family have given me and hang my hope on the next show here in Arizona in the Spring. I am holding out hope and asking the universe for help in aligning all that is good so that I can be healthy and body abled to compete in March.

In the meantime, I will take the next few days to process and grieve and then get back in the saddle and game plan for the next 4-6 months. I may be wounded and I may be feeling weak, but I will not allow this to kill my soul and spirit. I won't. I just can't.

Hopefully before the weekend is over I will finally get around to taking some new pictures and measurements and posting them here. The very least I can do is show you all how I've progressed and where I am now. Besides....I feel pretty amazing about my body these days. ;-)


  1. Oh girl! I am so sorry to hear this awful news. I know how hard you are trained...how much you were looking forward to this. But please be assured that your efforts were not in vain, you proved to yourself how much you are capable of--how strong, wonderful, and determined you are. You are an inspiration for everyone to live their best life. Please take care of your body and I know you will continue to kick this Crohn's ass! Love you!

  2. Oh wow Jill, this hurts my heart for you. I know how much it meant to you. Is there any other competition you can enter now to take it's place? (I'm sure you've already thought of this-probably a stupid question)

    I know how and why you feel how you feel about prednisone. I was forced to take some a few months ago after I got a severe infection throughout my whole system. I ended up stopping the prednisone after three days-I hated what I could see it was already doing to me. You are a warrior though lady and you will make it through this and onto the next big thing. I love you!
